Tart Art

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

300- The greatest movie ever with the dullest ever official wapers

These wallpapers took almost all the possible image restoration techniques I know, since the original screenshots were dull and grainy.But the end result is far too pleasing to the eye and far more suitable for use as desktop wallpapers

posted by B at 5:34 AM 1 comments

Idle Brain, an adventurous journey with Photoshop

I am teaching myself to work with PS.I am actually very embarrassed of some of the old stuff I've created. :D .You see, you gotta appreciate the idea, technicalities come later(or so I keep telling myself)here goes..

Xibalba-Inspired by the movie :The Fountain

Vampire's Masquerade


Tracy Thoms in Death Proof

Love Blooms ....Wherever.Well this one didn't quite turn out the way I imagined it to be, but I am not displeased with the results at all

What band wouldn't wanna practice here?
(The one that doesn't like flourescent colours much)

Corporate Identity

Cocky Gentlemen make the ladies swoon

Does this give you the shivers?

Sin City-ish

beautiful women must stay unscathed by opportunistic perverts!

I dream up such random nonsense every night

A bit playful

posted by B at 5:11 AM 0 comments